This is the most difficult thing. The space is available just for you the attendee. You can play ANYTHING you want. That space costs a whole lotta money though.
If cost is lowered, day rates added, more people must attend in order just to break even.
I would really like to stay around $50 for the weekend and make Sunday free. However Saturday is the biggest day, maybe $30 for it?
NashCon has an interesting payment structure. You can pay just to enter tournaments and that includes the cost of entering the convention. I am not sure how this system works, could cover prize support?
Also I would love to have a cheaper rate available for pre-orders so that the convention can pay for itself.
This is the thing that truly drives me nuts, I just want to break even and have the con paid for with its own funds a month before the convention.
I am working really hard on things to interest people but I really think its going to have to be finding a cheaper venue. I had to pay out $1200 just for security. (that is 24 weekend passes)
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